Re: [orca-list] Progress update on the "List of" dialogs

On 02/05/2013 03:05 AM, Hammer Attila wrote:
Hy Joanie,

List of links keybinding ydea if this is need: Orca modifier+SHIFT+L?

Problem with that on a desktop keyboard is that Shift + KP Insert claims
to be 0 so bindings with Orca + Shift can fail. (And, yes, that does
have implications for Orca + Shift + Tab for the previous form field.)

An alternative suggestion is CTRL+ALT+K (last letter of link word), because CTRL+ALT+L

There's our candidate #1. Thanks!

lock the actual session. If not have more acceptable keybinding, not
matter if this command are leaved with unbound. If the Orca user want
list of all links, easy to associate any keybinding the unbounded function.

Yeah, but of all the dialogs, the one thing that new users keep asking
for is the "links list dialog". So if we're going to do it, I think we
should bind it.

On a related note, I was going to do Orca + F7 just to be snarky, but
that conflicts with an Orca bookmark command. We have a *lot* of
bookmark-related commands. Are they all worthy of being bound out of the
box? (Maybe they are, I dunno.)

Take care.

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