Re: [orca-list] Getting and reading scanned images with Orca

You use sane to operate your scanner. Here's a link to a script that I use to scan and read a document on my system. It calls the scanimage command from the sane package, then it uses tesseract to do OCR, then it mores the text file that is created so your screen reader will speak it. If you put the script in /usr/local/bin, all you have to do is type readdoc and wait for it to start talking.



if test ! -z $1; then

scanimage --format=tiff --mode Lineart --resolution $MYRES > $MYIMAGE
tesseract $MYIMAGE $MYTEXT
more "$MYTEXT.txt"

On 12/10/13 10:46, luciano de souza wrote:
Yes, it seemed to be very well.

Can Tesseract be used also to call the scanner to capture the pages or
is it only a very nice OCR?

2013/12/10, luciano de souza <luchyanus gmail com>:
Hello all,

With some urgency, I need to read a scanned document. An image was
sent by e-mail. As a result, I need a OCR processor.

I heard that free OCR software in Linux is not so acurate than it is
in Windows. This is not the problem. Today, I need to read the test
and I have only Linux in my machine.

So I ask: which packages can I install in order to process the image
to extract the test? Is it something easy to use?

Luciano de Souza

John G. Heim, 608-263-4189, jheim math wisc edu

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