Re: [orca-list] several critical issues

I have got proposed repository enabled.
I have enabled it using software center while orca 3.4.2 was in there.



On 14.09.2012 20:19, Alex Midence  wrote:
Hi, Peter,

After reading Joannie's response to you, I have a question for you:

Do you have the proposed updates repository enabled?  The reason I ask is
that there may be a more recent version of at-spi2 in there that may solve
your problem.

Alex M

-----Original Message-----
From: orca-list-bounces gnome org [mailto:orca-list-bounces gnome org] On
Behalf Of Peter Vágner
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 3:45 AM
To: orca-list gnome org
Subject: [orca-list] several critical issues

I am sorry to bring some of these things up again however I really cant find
definite answers and according to the list archives some of these might even
be fixed but they not appear as so for me.

- Verry frequently orca send parts of its keybindings to the active
aplication. For example while I am chatting in empathy pressing orca+t
anounces the time but also types letter t into the active input field.
This happens verry iregularly for me and the only know method on how to fix
it is that I need to reboot. When this happens with gnome terminal I am no
longer able to read the window content by using numpad keys because orca
sends numpad arrows to the terminal. For example this can also be observed
in thunderbird. While composing an email, I sometimes read the whole message
before sending it out. So I am usually pressing
ctrl+home to go to the top and then I am pressing numpad plus for say
all. What happens is that orca starts reading the text, plus sign gets typed
to the edit field and cursor stays at the top even if I pause the say all.

- While system is busy for example loading a page in firefox, checking new
mails thunderbird the system is somewhat sluggish even on a verry fast Intel
I7 procesor machine. I have got used to this fact somehow, however sometimes
when the system is sluggish and I am pressing keys on the keyboard e.g.
alt+tabbing to the other windows, trying to use numpad keys to read the
window content the orca or a keyboard support or I dont know what exactly
freezes and then I am no longer able to interupt speech by pressing a key.
For example I do need to wait until the speech output is done speaking until
I can continue navigation because otherwise these two will not sync.
Sometimes I can restart orca and things get to normal in such a scenario
however at times I do need to also reboot the system.

- It is verry rare however I can sometimes even get a combination of these
two if I attempt to ignore the first issue and am trying to make the most
out of it eventhough the system is buggy.

- handling read only edit fields for example those displayed in empathy chat
window or even in a system dialogs. I think in the past there was a keyboard
shortcut to make these readable but I cant find that shortcut now nor I can
read confortably while these fields are in focus. I need to use numpad keys
to read the content. It means I am not able to copy from such fields as
I think this is verry important feature and I do really miss it verry much.

I am using ubuntu 12.04 with all available updates.
I have manually updated to the latest stable version of orca, orca
3.5.90 some two days before.

In the past I was trying ubuntu and debian with gnome. However I have never
used it longer than for a few days just to test things out. Now I am using
this install of ubuntu exclusivelly for some three months and I can get my
things done quite successfully. The things I have just mentioned are just
verry anoying sometimes and this is why I have tried to post such a detailed
message. Maybe you might be able to tell me where I am failing and otherwise
get me on the right track in order to improve the situation for me.

Thanks and greetings


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