[orca-list] trisquel_6.0-20121106_i686.iso

Hi, all!

I wish to thank the developers of this distro for putting the accessibility, provided by the Orca screen reader, into the cd-sized version, thus, no longer requiring that people download the whole I18N in order to have accessibility automatically turned on when they use the live media for testing and/or installation. Thanks, also, for preserving much of the look and feel that Trisquel users have come to know, while offering the improvements offered by Ubuntu 12.04.

After burning this image to a flash drive, I started it. The introductory music seems to be missing, but Orca comes right up! While I was exploring the bottom panel, particularly the indicator applet, it crashed, rendering the whole system unusable via only the keyboard. that is, I couldn't switch applications, use any of the shortcuts, or activate the menus; only the application that happened to have focus when the crash happened was accessible. I restarted the system by mashing the power button. On the second run, the indicator applet did not crash. I was able to check battery state, connect to my wired and wireless networks, and explore the 'messaging' menu. Also, I could navigate the rest of the panel, all with Orca support. I connected to some web sites, banged some text into a gedit file, listened to a favorite radio station, and shut the system down (properly, this time). Startup and shutdown times are faster than in any previous Trisquel.

I urge the curious to check this out and report experience to these lists. I can't speak to any visual issues, but would suggest that the release looks nearly ready. My only issue is the instability of the bottom panel. Perhaps I'll install this release to my hard drive and give it more of a pounding.



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