Re: [orca-list] qt-at-spi

According to mattias:
# and where to find the i386 version of the bridge

What distro are you running? Most Ubuntu derivatives based on 12.04 or 12.10 likely already have the qt-at-spi package installed on your system. If you are not running an Ubuntu derivative, look in your package management application for a package named qt-at-spi, qt-atspi, qtatspi, libqtatspi or similar. A search for at-spi usually returns positive results, but each distro is different. If you can't find this package in your package manager, it likely hasn't been built for your specific distro. You will need to clone the git repository and build it from source in order to install it. The exception to this is Arch Linux, where you can download and install the qt-at-spi-git PKGBUILD from
If you need to build manually, you will need qt 4.8 or later, at-spi2 which you likely already have, cmake and automoc4. Run

+git clone git://

to clone the source. Then cd to the directory where you cloned qt-at-spi and run

sudo make install

The only other thing you should need to do is to set


in your Bash profile.

# and will a i386 work on a amd64

Generally, if you are running AMD64, your best bet is to run an AMD64 or x86_64 operating system. It is possible to run 32-bit applications on a 64-bit OS, but I would think it's not necessary for qt-at-spi, as it builds for the architecture you are currently using. Hope this helps.

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