[orca-list] A question with checking items containing table related


Joanie, I have got a question.
For example, in gnome-session-properties the startup applications are presented with a three column table, with containing following columns: - Enable: this column possible toggling the added application starting or not. Orca this column unfortunately not spokening the actual state. The users if press space key, the startup application state is changed.
- Icon: this image is the application icon.
- Name: this column is the added application name.

What can possible doing in Orca side to Orca present the first column state changes? Or this is again a Gtk3 bug? I think update-manager using similar table, but I am not sure this, because I always install updates with terminal.

Reproducation steps:
1. Launch gnome-session-properties preference tool.
2. Go to left arrow the first column, and listen the spokened output.
3. Press space key, Visualy possible seeing the change, but Orca doesn't notify the user the change. If you press down arrow and up arrow key, you not will be hear difference the output.
I attached the debug.out file with full show the problem.
I experienced this issue under Ubuntu 12.04, latest Orca master version.


Attachment: debug.out.zip
Description: Zip archive

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