[orca-list] Need help with messed up Gnome

Hello, list,
New subscriber here.

(DISCLAIMER: I am an experienced Linux user of well over a decade
but relatively clueless when it comes to Orca/GNOME.)

Recently, I noticed I was unable to switch to applications using
Alt+TAB, only switching panels with CTRL+ALT+TAB would work. Regular
shortcut keys such as ALT+F9 to minimise stopped working as well. In an
effort to remedy the problem, I tried resetting the environment by
deleting the config files in .gnome2, .gconfd, etc. Sadly, this only
worsened the problem where even orca is invisible: it's loaded, because
I get speech and braille feedback, but I can't seem to switch to its
window to access preferences, and only the top and bottom panels are
accessible. Has anyone ever experienced this? How can it be remedied?
This is with orca 3.4.2 on Debian Wheezy/testing.

Thanks in advance.


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