Re: [orca-list] other tts engines besides espeak and pico that are known to work?

Hi Hank,

On 6/3/12, Hank Smith <hanksmith hanksmith net> wrote:
Hello I reinstalled ubuntu again and tried voxin still can't get it to
there any other synths that are recommended that work with orca besides
espeak and pico that are known to work and are easy to set up?

Depends on if you are looking for free voices or commercial voices. I
use the commercial Cepstral voices from
and they work decently with Orca. All you have to do is install them
and then uncomment them from your speech-dispatcher.conf file. The
next time you login Callie, David, etc should be in your available
list of voices assuming you have the Swift configuration files for
Speech-Dispatcher installed which it should be.


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