Re: [orca-list] frequent switching languages

sorry, I really didn't think you could add shortcuts. You are right, orca doesn't show the button is available when you tab around teh dialogue box, but looking with flat review will turn it up. Bangs head against wall. On 01/22/2012 02:57 PM, Dave Hunt wrote:
Hi, please check before making a statement like "In 11.10, you can't add keyboard shortcuts"!

You can add shortcuts.  Visit the gnome control center app, that's 'system settings' from the launcher menu.  Once there, look for 'keyboard', and 
hit 'enter'.  One of the tabs is "shortcuts".  Here, there are tables for the various areas in which one can place or enable  a shortcut, 
such as "media", "launchers" and "custom shortcuts".  To add a shortcut, hit 'custom shortcuts', and the 'add' button 
(orca may show it as 'grayed).  Enter the name of the thing, and the command to use, and 'ok'.  Next, to back to the table, find your new shortcut, 
and hit 'enter' in the 'shortcut' column.  To enable, press the key(s) you want to use; Done!


On Jan 22, 2012, at 3:44 PM, kendell clark wrote:

If I remember correctly, you should be able to add a shortcut key to gnome's keyboard shortcuts dialogue.  It 
depends on which distro you're running, but in vinux you go to system, preferences, keyboard shortcuts. IN 
oneiric you go to system settings Keyboard shortcuts. One note, in ubuntu 11.10 as far as i know you can't add 
keyboard shortcuts, I don't know why. Anyway, you tab ocver to the add button, and in the name field just give it 
whatever name you like. In the command field I'm not certain about this because i  haven't tried itl but you 
should be able to do cd path_to_script followed by / I don't know if you can do multiline commands but 
you should be able to add an&   and symbol, which is shift plus 7 on teh us keyboard, between the cd and the 
./ commands. I'm sorry if I'm confusing you I'm trying to help. This way, you can press teh shortcut you made for 
it and it should work.     On 01/22/2012 02:44 PM, Justin Harford wrote:
Hi there

Thanks for this. I'm not sure about a short cut key, but another possibility is that you could launch the 
script that you made from the terminal.


On 22-01-2012, at 2:40, rj wrote:

Some time ago I asked if it would be possible to switch languages with a
shortcut key.

I have found a solution with a script that replaces the orca preference
file with another one.
But you have to click an icon on the desktop, does anyone know how to
assign a shortcut key to a launcher?

I made a launcher on the desktop for each language I frequently use.
That launches a script that replaces the file with
another one.

You have to be familiar with command line to do this! And I don't
guarantee the howto is fullproof.

1 Make a directory in your home folder with the name Orca-sw (or any
other name you like)

2 You set orca to speak the language you want.
Then you copy the in your ..orca directory to the new
directory you have just made.
under a slightly different descriptive name i.e.
(for french).

cp /home/YOURHOMEdIR/.orca/ /home/YOURHOMEdIR/Orca-sw/

3 You make a script containing:
        #! /bin
        orca -q

cp /home/YOURHOMEdIR/Orca-sw/ /home/YOURHOMEdIR/.orca/

You can do this in gedit and save it in Orca-sw with the .sh extension.

4 You make a launcher for this script, right click somewhere on the
name it descriptively i.e. fr-orca  with command:
sh /home/YOURHOMEdIR/Orca-sw/

you repeat the steps 2 to 4 for each frequently used language.

Now you have an icon for every language you frequently use on your
just double click to switch to that language.

If you make changes to preferences in orca afterwards they will be lost
when you use the icons.
To keep them you would have to copy the settings file again into

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