Re: [orca-list] Heads up: Rolename refactor has begun

Hello, Joanie!

It's working great so far!

I finally successfully built Orca from Master, along with the latest AT-SPI2 packages! I am going to try to write up a step-by-step procedure for doing this, and hopefully it will be of help to others.
Thanks for all of the hard work!

On 02/22/2012 12:16 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hey all.

For a while now, cleaning up the rolename code in Orca has been on my
to-do list. And a bug that was filed this morning prompted me to start
working on it now.

A bit of background: Way back before we had pyatspi, the job of
presenting localized rolenames for accessible objects fell upon Orca's
shoulders. When pyatspi came along, we were given a means by which to
obtain the localized rolenames directly from pyatspi and we began to
fall back on that, but still were not relying upon it. I see no reason
for us not to rely upon pyatspi to get localized rolenames. And asking
for this information rather than attempting to generate it ourselves has
several advantages:

* When new roles get added to ATK and AT-SPI2, Orca can present them
   without the requirement of having to add strings to Orca and then wait
   for those new strings to get localized.
* Less code to maintain in Orca.
* Less duplicate code in the accessibility tools.

As a result, I've begun this part of the refactor. What you'll
immediately notice is a change to three roles -- at least that's what
jumped out at me:

1. Objects of role entry are now presented as role entry; not role text.
    (This, by the way, was the change requested in the bug I mentioned.)
2. Objects of role push button are now presented as "push button" and
    not just "button."
3. Objects of role page tab are now presented as "page tab" rather than

The rest of the roles seem to be the same -- at least in English.
Hopefully these slight changes will not be problematic, but if they are
and hearing "push button" is unthinkable, then let's try to change the
name we get via pyatspi rather than renaming things ourselves.

Finally, I still have a number of changes to make for this part of the
refactor. However, I wanted to get the most obvious ones made now and
give you a heads up so that those of you who like the bleeding edge
could take it for a spin and report any problems.

Thanks and take care.

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