Re: [orca-list] Brltty in Arch Linux broken: fix provided here does not help

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I tried the following now:
* Replaced my re-built brltty package with the package from extra (with
a2 flag set in PKGBUILD).
* Made some changes in the "general screen settings" section of
/etc/brltty.conf which was commented out completely before, i.e.
specified at-spi as screen driver (s. above).
...with the following result:
* The braille display is recognized at startup (brltty logo displayed).
* Message "no screen" is displayed as long as text-only console is used.
* Orca works with braille, but some keys of my braille display (Handy
Tech Braille Star 40) don't work, i.e. keys to move the cursor up and
down. I had this problem in the past with older versions of gnome2.x
and orca, it has gone before 3.x as I remember.
* When switching back to text console, nothing happens on braille display.

Here is the /etc/brltty.conf file I used. Originally, the whole "general
screen settings" section was commented out and I have no idea which
default settings, i.e. which screen driver has been used in the past
(before the a2 flag in PKGBUILD was introduced), but it seems to me that
not at-spiX (how would orca and braille work in this case)?. Maybe I
ignored something else in the "general screen settings" section?

- ---begin config file
# This is a configuration file template for the BRLTTY application.
# Uncomment those entries which apply to your personal needs and system
# requirements.

# BRLTTY expects to find its configuration file in "/etc/brltty.conf"
# (can be overridden with the -f [--configuration-file=] option).
# If it doesn't exist, then BRLTTY silently continues but may require
# that certain command line options be explicitly supplied.

# Blank lines are ignored. The character '#', anywhere on a line,
# initiates a comment; all characters from it to the end of that line
# are ignored.

# Each configuration entry consists of a keyword followed by its operand.
# An arbitrary amount of white space, (blanks and/or tabs), may occur
# before the keyword, as well as before and after the operand. Keyword
# processing is not case sensitive. Examples of valid entries are:
#       Braille-Driver  pm      # Papenmeier braille displays.
#       braille-device  serial:ttyS0    # The first serial device.
#       SPEECH-DRIVER   fv      # The Festival Text to Speech System.

# The default settings given within the following descriptions assume no
# special build options (see "./configure --help" in the top-level
# directory of the source tree.

# Generic Braille Settings #

# The braille-driver directive specifies the two-letter driver
# identification code of the driver for the braille display.
# If not specified, autodetection will be performed.
# (can be overridden with the -b [--braille-driver=] option)
#braille-driver auto    # autodetect
#braille-driver al      # Alva
#braille-driver at      # Albatross
#braille-driver ba      # BrlAPI
#braille-driver bd      # Braudi
#braille-driver bl      # BrailleLite
#braille-driver bm      # Baum
#braille-driver bn      # BrailleNote
#braille-driver cb      # CombiBraille
#braille-driver ec      # EcoBraille
#braille-driver eu      # EuroBraille
#braille-driver fs      # FreedomScientific
#braille-driver hm      # HIMS
#braille-driver ht      # HandyTech
#braille-driver il      # IrisLinux
#braille-driver lb      # Libbraille
#braille-driver lt      # LogText
#braille-driver mb      # MultiBraille
#braille-driver md      # MDV (protocol 5)
#braille-driver mn      # MiniBraille
#braille-driver mt      # Metec
#braille-driver pg      # Pegasus
#braille-driver pm      # Papenmeier
#braille-driver sk      # Seika
#braille-driver tn      # TechniBraille
#braille-driver ts      # TSI
#braille-driver tt      # TTY
#braille-driver vd      # VideoBraille
#braille-driver vo      # Voyager
#braille-driver vr      # Virtual
#braille-driver vs      # VisioBraille
#braille-driver xw      # XWindow

# The braille-device directive specifies the device to which the braille
# display is connected. The generic syntax is type:device. The device
# type is optional, and, for backward compatibility, defaults to serial.
# The following devices are supported (brackets indicate optionality):
#    serial:path (relative paths are anchored at "/dev")
#    usb:[serial-number]
#    bluetooth:address
# If not specified, "usb:" will be used.
# (can be overridden with the -d [--braille-device=] option)
#braille-device serial:ttyS0    # First serial device.
#braille-device usb:            # First USB device matching braille driver.
#braille-device usb:nnnnn       # Specific USB device by serial number.
#braille-device bluetooth:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx     # Specific bluetooth device
by address.
# NOTE: If the device is connected through a serial-to-USB adapter,
# braille-device usb: will not work, braille-device has to be set to
# like serial:ttyUSB0, see the kernel messages on device plug to get the
# device name.

# The release-device directive specifies whether or not the device to
which the
# braille display is connected is to be released when the current
screen or
# window can't be read by BRLTTY. If not specified, "on" will be used on
# platforms and "off" will be used on all other platforms.
# (can be overridden with the -r [--release-device] option)
#release-device on      # Release the device.
#release-device off     # Don't release the device.

# The text-table directive specifies which text table to use. Relative
# are anchored at "/etc/brltty". If not specified, locale-based
# autoselection with fallback to "$(SRC_TOP)$(TBL_DIR)/en-nabcc.ttb"
will be performed.
# (can be overridden with the -t [--text-table=] option)
#text-table     auto    # locale-based autoselection (fallback to
#text-table     ar      # Arabic (generic)
#text-table     as      # Assamese
#text-table     awa     # Awadhi
#text-table     bg      # Bulgarian
#text-table     bh      # Bihari
#text-table     bn      # Bengali
#text-table     bo      # Tibetan
#text-table     bra     # Braj
#text-table     cs      # Czech
#text-table     cy      # Welsh
#text-table     da      # Danish
text-table      de      # German
#text-table     dra     # Dravidian
#text-table     el      # Greek
#text-table     en      # English
#text-table     en_CA   # English (Canada)
#text-table     en_UK   # English (United Kingdom)
#text-table     en_US   # English (United States)
#text-table     en-nabcc        # English (North American Braille Computer Code)
#text-table     eo      # Esperanto
#text-table     es      # Spanish
#text-table     et      # Estonian
#text-table     fi      # Finnish
#text-table     fr      # French
#text-table     fr_CA   # French (Canada)
#text-table     fr_FR   # French (France)
#text-table     fr-2007 # French (unified)
#text-table     fr-cbifs        # French (Code Braille Informatique FranÃais
#text-table     ga      # Irish
#text-table     gd      # Gaelic
#text-table     gon     # Gondi
#text-table     gu      # Gujarati
#text-table     he      # Hebrew
#text-table     hi      # Hindi
#text-table     hr      # Croatian
#text-table     hu      # Hungarian
#text-table     hy      # Armenian
#text-table     is      # Icelandic
#text-table     it      # Italian
#text-table     kha     # Khasi
#text-table     kn      # Kannada
#text-table     kok     # Konkani
#text-table     kru     # Kurukh
#text-table     lt      # Lituanian
#text-table     lv      # Latvian
#text-table     mg      # Malagasy
#text-table     mi      # Maori
#text-table     ml      # Malayalam
#text-table     mni     # Manipuri
#text-table     mr      # Marathi
#text-table     mt      # Maltese
#text-table     mun     # Mundari
#text-table     mwr     # Marwari
#text-table     ne      # Nepali
#text-table     new     # Newari
#text-table     nl      # Dutch
#text-table     nl_BE   # Dutch (Belgium)
#text-table     nl_NL   # Dutch (Netherlands)
#text-table     no      # Norwegian
#text-table     no-generic      # Norwegian (with support for other languages)
#text-table     no-oub  # Norwegian (Offentlig Utvalg for Blindeskrift)
#text-table     nwc     # Old Newari
#text-table     or      # Oriya
#text-table     pa      # Panjabi
#text-table     pi      # Pali
#text-table     pl      # Polish
#text-table     pt      # Portuguese
#text-table     ro      # Romanian
#text-table     ru      # Russian
#text-table     sa      # Sanskrit
#text-table     sat     # Santali
#text-table     sd      # Sindhi
#text-table     sk      # Slovak
#text-table     sv      # Swedish
#text-table     sw      # Swahili
#text-table     ta      # Tamil
#text-table     te      # Telugu
#text-table     tr      # Turkish
#text-table     vi      # Vietnamese

# The attributes-table directive specifies which attributes table to use.
# Relative paths are anchored at "/etc/brltty". If not specified,
# "$(SRC_TOP)$(TBL_DIR)/attributes.atb" will be used.
# (can be overridden with the -a [--attributes-table=] option)
#attributes-table       attributes      #
#attributes-table       attrib  #

# The contraction-table directive specifies which contraction table to
# Relative paths are anchored at "/etc/brltty". If not specified, no
# contraction table will be available.
# (can be overridden with the -c [--contraction-table=] option)
#contraction-table      af      # Afrikaans (contracted)
#contraction-table      am      # Amharic (uncontracted)
#contraction-table      de-basis        # German (uncontracted)
#contraction-table      de-kurzschrift  # German (contracted - 1998 standard)
#contraction-table      de-vollschrift  # German (basic contractions)
#contraction-table      en-ueb-g2       # Unified English Braille (grade 2)
#contraction-table      en-us-g2        # American English (grade 2)
#contraction-table      es      # Spanish (grade 2)
#contraction-table      fr-abrege       # French (contracted)
#contraction-table      fr-integral     # French (uncontracted)
#contraction-table      ha      # Hausa (contracted)
#contraction-table      id      # Indonesian (contracted)
#contraction-table      ja      # Japanese (uncontracted)
#contraction-table      ko-g1   # Korean (grade 1)
#contraction-table      ko-g2   # Korean (grade 2)
#contraction-table      ko      # Korean (uncontracted)
#contraction-table      mg      # Malagasy (contracted)
#contraction-table      mun     # Munda (contracted)
#contraction-table      nl      # Dutch (contracted)
#contraction-table      ny      # Chichewa (contracted)
#contraction-table      ipa     # International Phonetic Alphabet
#contraction-table      pt      # Portuguese (grade 2)
#contraction-table      si      # Sinhalese (uncontracted)
#contraction-table      sw      # Swahili (contracted)
#contraction-table      th      # Thai (contracted)
#contraction-table      zh-tw   # Taiwanese Chinese (uncontracted)
#contraction-table      zh-tw-ucb       # Taiwanese Chinese (Unique Chinese Braille)
#contraction-table      zu      # Zulu (contracted)

# Braille Driver Parameters #

# The braille-parameters directive passes non-generic parameters through
# to the braille driver.
# (can be overridden with the -B [--braille-parameters=] option)
#braille-parameters driver:parameter=setting,...

# BrlAPI Braille Driver Parameters
#braille-parameters ba:Auth=/etc/brlapi.key
#braille-parameters ba:Host=:0

# BrailleLite Braille Driver Parameters
#braille-parameters bl:BaudRate=9600 #
#braille-parameters bl:KbEmu=yes # [yes,no]

# Baum Braille Driver Parameters
#braille-parameters bm:Protocols=default # [default,all,native]
#braille-parameters bm:VarioKeys=no # [no,yes]

# Libbraille Braille Driver Parameters
#braille-parameters lb:Device=/dev/ttyS0 #
#braille-parameters lb:Driver=auto #
#braille-parameters lb:Table=us.tbl #

# TTY Braille Driver Parameters
#braille-parameters tt:Baud=9600 #
#braille-parameters tt:CharSet=ISO8859-1 #
#braille-parameters tt:Columns=40 # [1-80]
#braille-parameters tt:Lines=1 # [1-3]
#braille-parameters tt:Locale= #
#braille-parameters tt:Term=vt100 # [terminfo]

# VisioBraille Braille Driver Parameters
#braille-parameters vs:Baud=57600 #
#braille-parameters vs:DisplaySize=40 # [20-40]
#braille-parameters vs:PromVersion=4 # [3-6]

# XWindow Braille Driver Parameters
#braille-parameters xw:Columns=40 # [1-80]
#braille-parameters xw:Font=name # []
#braille-parameters xw:Input=off # [off,on]
#braille-parameters xw:Lines=1 # [1-3]
#braille-parameters xw:Model=bare # [bare]
#braille-parameters xw:TkParms= #

# Generic Speech Settings #

# The speech-driver directive specifies the two-letter driver
# identification code of the driver for the speech synthesizer.
# If not specified, autodetection will be performed.
# (can be overridden with the -s [--speech-driver=] option)
#speech-driver  auto    # autodetect
#speech-driver  al      # Alva
#speech-driver  bl      # BrailleLite
#speech-driver  cb      # CombiBraille
#speech-driver  es      # eSpeak (text to speech engine)
#speech-driver  fl      # FestivalLite (text to speech engine)
#speech-driver  fv      # Festival (text to speech engine)
#speech-driver  gs      # GenericSay (pipes to /usr/local/bin/say)
#speech-driver  mp      # Mikropuhe (text to speech engine)
#speech-driver  sd      # SpeechDispatcher (text to speech server)
#speech-driver  sw      # Swift (text to speech engine)
#speech-driver  th      # Theta (text to speech engine)
#speech-driver  vv      # ViaVoice (text to speech engine)
#speech-driver  xs      # ExternalSpeech (executes

# The speech-fifo directive specifies the path to the FIFO used by the
# pass-through facility. Relative paths are anchored at "/etc/brltty".
# If not specified, the speech pass-through facility isn't enabled.
# (can be overridden with the -F [--speech-fifo=] option)
#speech-fifo    spk

# Speech Driver Parameters #

# The speech-parameters directive passes non-generic parameters through
# to the speech driver.
# (can be overridden with the -S [--speech-parameters=] option)
#speech-parameters driver:parameter=setting,...

# eSpeak Speech Driver Parameters
#speech-parameters es:Path=
#speech-parameters es:PunctList=
#speech-parameters es:Voice=

# ExternalSpeech Speech Driver Parameters
#speech-parameters xs:Program=/usr/local/bin/externalspeech
#speech-parameters xs:Uid=65534
#speech-parameters xs:Gid=65534

# Festival Speech Driver Parameters
#speech-parameters fv:Command=festival # [/path/to/command]
#speech-parameters fv:Name= # [kevin,kal]

# FestivalLite Speech Driver Parameters
#speech-parameters fl:Pitch=100 # [50-200]

# GenericSay Speech Driver Parameters
#speech-parameters gs:Command=/usr/local/bin/say

# Mikropuhe Speech Driver Parameters
#speech-parameters mp:Name= # [/path/to/mikropuhe/name.pu5]
#speech-parameters mp:Pitch=0 # [-10-10]

# SpeechDispatcher Speech Driver Parameters
#speech-parameters sd:Language= # [two-letter language code]
#speech-parameters sd:Module= #
#speech-parameters sd:Port=6560 # [1-65535] # [1-65535]
#speech-parameters sd:Voice= #

# Swift Speech Driver Parameters
#speech-parameters sw:Name= # [voice,/path/to/voice]

# Theta Speech Driver Parameters
#speech-parameters th:Age= # [1-99,-1--99]
#speech-parameters th:Gender= # [male,female,neuter]
#speech-parameters th:Language= # [two-letter language code]
#speech-parameters th:Name= # [voice,/path/to/voice]
#speech-parameters th:Pitch=0.0 # [-2.0-2.0]

# ViaVoice Speech Driver Parameters
#speech-parameters vv:IniFile=/usr/lib/ViaVoiceTTS/eci.ini
#speech-parameters vv:SampleRate= # [8000,11025,22050]
#speech-parameters vv:AbbreviationMode= # [on,off]
#speech-parameters vv:NumberMode= # [word,year]
#speech-parameters vv:SynthMode= # [sentence,none]
#speech-parameters vv:TextMode= # [talk,spell,literal,phonetic]
#speech-parameters vv:Language= #
#speech-parameters vv:Voice= #
#speech-parameters vv:VocalTract= # [male,female]
#speech-parameters vv:Breathiness= # [0-100]
#speech-parameters vv:HeadSize= # [0-100]
#speech-parameters vv:PitchBaseline= # [0-100]
#speech-parameters vv:PitchFluctuation= # [0-100]
#speech-parameters vv:Roughness= # [0-100]

# Keyboard Settings #

# The key-table directive specifies which key table to use. Relative
paths are
# anchored at "/etc/brltty". If not specified, no key table is used.
# (can be overridden with the -k [--key-table=] option)
#key-table      desktop # bindings for full keyboards
#key-table      keypad  # bindings for keypad-based navigation
#key-table      laptop  # bindings for keyboards without a keypad

# The keyboard-properties directive specifies which keyboards to monitor.
# If not specified, all keyboards are monitored.
# (can be overridden with the -K [--keyboard-properties=] option)
#keyboard-properties    Type=any        # [any,ps2,usb,bluetooth]
#keyboard-properties    Vendor=0X0000   # [0X0000-0XFFFF]
#keyboard-properties    Product=0X0000  # [0X0000-0XFFFF]

# Sound Settings #

# The pcm-device directive specifies the device to use for soundcard
# digital audio. If not specified, a method- and system-dependent
# default will be used.
# (can be overridden with the -p [--pcm-device=] option)
#pcm-device     /path/to/device # most methods
#pcm-device     pcm-handle-id   # ALSA (see second parameter of snd_pcm_open)

# The pcm-device directive specifies the device to use for the Musical
# Instrument Digital Interface. If not specified, a method- and
# system-dependent default will be used.
# (can be overridden with the -m [--midi-device=] option)
#midi-device    /path/to/device # most methods
#midi-device    client:port     # ALSA (may use number or case-sensitive
substring of name)

# Miscellaneous Settings #

# The library-directory directive specifies the absolute path to the
# directory which contains the dynamically loadable drivers. If not
# specified, /usr/lib/brltty will be used.
# (can be overridden with the -L [--library-directory=] option)
#library-directory /usr/lib/brltty

# The writable-directory directive specifies the absolute path to a
# which can be written to (creation of missing but needed resources,
etc). If
# not specified, "/usr/lib/brltty/rw" will be used.
# (can be overridden with the -W [--writable-directory=] option)
#writable-directory /usr/lib/brltty/rw

# The data-directory directive specifies the absolute path to the
# which contains driver data files (help files, configuration files,
etc.). If
# not specified, "/etc/brltty" will be used.
# (can be overridden with the -D [--data-directory=] option)
#data-directory /etc/brltty

# The tables-directory directive specifies the absolute path to the
# which contains the text, attributes, contraction, and key tables. If not
# specified, "/etc/brltty" will be used.
# (can be overridden with the -T [--tables-directory=] option)
#tables-directory /etc/brltty

# Application Programming Interface Parameters #

# The api-parameters directive passes parameters to the Application
# Programming Interface.
# (can be overridden with the -A [--api-parameters=] option)
#api-parameters parameter=setting,...

#api-parameters Auth=keyfile:/etc/brlapi.key    # Require authentication key
#api-parameters Auth=user:joe           # Allow some local user
#api-parameters Auth=group:brl          # Allow some local group
#api-parameters Host=:0                 # Accept only local Unix connections
#api-parameters Host=          # Accept any internet connection.
#api-parameters StackSize=65536

# Generic Screen Settings #

# The screen-driver directive specifies the two-letter driver
# identification code of the driver for the console screen.
# (can be overridden with the -x [--screen-driver=] option)
screen-driver   a1      # AtSpi (comment: also tried with "as" with the same
results described above)
#screen-driver  pb      # PCBIOS
#screen-driver  hd      # Hurd
#screen-driver  lx      # Linux
#screen-driver  sc      # Screen
#screen-driver  wn      # Windows

# Screen Driver Parameters #

# The screen-parameters directive passes non-generic parameters through
# to the screen driver.
# (can be overridden with the -X [--screen-parameters=] option)
#screen-parameters driver:parameter=setting,...

# AtSpi Screen Driver Parameters
screen-parameters as:Type=text+terminal # [text,terminal,all]

# Linux Screen Driver Parameters
#screen-parameters lx:Charset=name+... # []
#screen-parameters lx:DebugSfm=no # [no,yes]
#screen-parameters lx:Hfb=auto # [auto,vga,fb,0-7]

# Windows Screen Driver Parameters
#screen-parameters wn:Root=no # [no,yes]
#screen-parameters wn:FollowFocus=yes # [yes,no]

- ---end config file

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