[orca-list] (no subject)

Subject: [orca-list] Need help for 'Navigation issues at desktop
In-Reply-To: <AANLkTikO3Agg4Qrk2HnrQrqtGpxyOO9nc+C8Z8Ym1-1v mail gmail com>
References: <AANLkTikO3Agg4Qrk2HnrQrqtGpxyOO9nc+C8Z8Ym1-1v mail gmail com>
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Hello Lena and list,

My own feeling is that the desktop, whilst very useful for sighted
users, may be best ignored by visually-impaired users.  Instead, use
the start menu, or set up keyboard short-cuts to frequently-used

start-system-preferences-keyboard short cuts.

This way, it is possible to easily and reliably find any application
the user may need.


leena chourey writes:
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