Re: [orca-list] writing accessible multi-platform application

Hello MichaÅ

MichaÅ Zegan <webczat_200 poczta onet pl> wrote on So, Feb 27, 2011 at 10:31:35 +0100:
Hey, I encountered the following problems when trying to write
accessible, cross-platform gui applications that can be equally
accessible on linux and windows:
1 - c++/qt: inaccessible on anything that lives at this time.
2. c++/gtkmm: accessible on linux, partially on windows.
3. c++/wx - accessible on both, but has focus problems so counted as not
fully accessible.
I tried it on Windows several years ago and at least with Jaws it was
accessible. I've run my old program on GNU/Linux a while ago and found
exactly what you've described. I think that these problems are
mostly, at least for e.g. button controls, a problem of focus. When I
set it to one particular element, the navigation in very simple
applications was no problem.
Having said this, I encountered problems with the ListControl's of wx.
There was a new implementation in wx 2.9 which now uses GTK+ to create
ListControl's and I believe if someone would be in constant contact
with the developers, there would be even more progress possible.

So what to do to write fully accessible applications without any mess
like that?
I had to write a console application. At least, it works and
accessibility was in this case mandatory.

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