Re: [orca-list] solaris


On 1/4/2011 4:42 PM, mattias wrote:
wich solaris works with orca

Orca is most easily used with systems that it comes included with - it has fairly strong dependencies upon GNOME.  Orca has been included with GNOME releases starting with GNOME 2.16.

Oracle Solaris 11 Express 2010.11 is based around the GNOME 2.30 desktop, and so includes Orca 2.30.  (note that Solaris 10 is based on GNOME 2.6, and so doesn't contain Orca - and it isn't really possible to make Orca work on Solaris 10; not without a complete re-build of GNOME to at least GNOME 2.16).

See for information about Oracle Solaris 11 Express, and see to download Oracle Solaris 11 Express 2010.11.


Peter Korn | Accessibility Principal
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