[orca-list] Bug#613086: New test, new situation


As I said the bug is solved randomly, one time a day or one time I don't
know when and why. Today, I could read desktop one time and desktop then
alt-F2 then alt-F1 once. I couldn't reproduce this good working. Anyway,
I could log in a debug file when orca accepted to read my desktop
(alt-ctrl-d) (but not the rest of gnome environment). It was immediately
after I removed ibmtts and speech-dispatcher. But next reboot, it didn't
work anymore. So related to speech-dispatcher/ibmtts... not sure.

Reminder: it most cases, I cannot read gnome structure, but applications
work (iceweasel, terminal, ...). 

I hope via a comparison of all 3 files I sent, you will explain the
problem. I do become mad. :)


Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

Attachment: debug-2011-02-22-02:58:53.out
Description: Text document

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