Re: [orca-list] using the synaptic package manager in ubuntu 10.04

On 25/04/11 15:42, Justin Mann wrote:
Hi there,
I've just installed a new version of Ubuntu, and am now ready to get everything configured properly.  
However, I am having a problem using synaptic.  I notice that when I go to the terminal, and type
$ Sudo synaptic"
orca seems to freeze.  Looking at the dockumentation, I don't see that there are any bugs with this kind of 
an issue?
the problem here is that orca is running as a normal user and you are running the synaptic application as root, so orca isn't allowed to see what is going on in that window. The way to fix this is to create a file in /root called .orbitrc containing the following:


then log out and back in again and you should be able to read applications started with gksudo or sudo because they will then have a way to pass back accessibility information for orca to read. I think this .orbitrc file is one of the things that the accessible installer should set up for you.


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