Re: [orca-list] speechd and ibmtts module

Here are some thoughts on what you could do to find out what the issue is:
* Is speech-dispatcher working? Can you get speech output with other modules such as the flite module or the espeak module? IE. Is this a speech-dispatcher problem in general or just something affecting the ibmtts module? * Voxin is working. This sounds like the case as you have the speakup connector working so problems here can probably be ignored. * What version of speech-dispatcher are you using? I remember seeing on the speech-dispatcher list some postings about the ibmtts module being broken in GIT. If you are using speech-dispatcher from git you may wish to look at the archives for the speech-dispatcher list to see whether your version is affected. I think a most recent build (eg. if you do a build today) should not be affected by the issue I am thinking of (not certain, just what I believe the case to be). * If all above fails, may be have a look in the speech-dispatcher log files, both the general one and the ibmtts module log file. If you find errors but don't understand them then come back or possibly better still go to the speech-dispatcher mailing list, with these errors and I am sure someone will be able to let you know what the issue is.

Michael Whapples
On -10/01/37 20:59, Christopher Moore wrote:
Hello, has anyone had success with the ibmtts module under speech-dispatcher? I'm running arch and voxin seems to be installed correctly because I can use the ibm speakup connector. I built speech-dispatcher from sources and it made an ibmtts module, but it is silent when trying it thru spd-say. Speech-dispatcher is configured to use pulseaudio.

any ideas welcome!


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