Re: [orca-list] Accerciser

Sorry, I forgot to answer your question; see comments below.

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 12:33:48PM +0100, Brian Nitz wrote:
I'd like to allow accerciser to work with both until CORBA ATSPI is
deprecated in most distros.  Were the changes you made to allow it
to work with python2.7 backwards compatible with python2.6?

That would be a good thing to have it work with both during this time
of transition.  The required modules looked considerablly different
for the the git version and the use of pyatspi2 and all that.

Yes, it should be compatible. with python 2.6.  I basically had to
change any references from "python" to "python2" to reference the
proper version of python in the Arch Linux distribution.  Basically,
these changes are done dynamically to the affected components when the
package is installed on Arch.  So there are no upstream patches needed
or any of that.  So really, the changes were only necessary to make
Accerciser work as an Arch Linux installable package and be compatible
with what is now python 2.7 on our distro.  

Sorry for such a long drawn out explanation but a lot of this was
caused by the Arch devs making the default python executable point to
version 3.1 of python and I'm sure that would break some things.  

Now, there were some other changes to python, going from 2.6 to 2.7
but from what I see so far, I didn't have to deal with any of that
with Accerciser.  I know phgtk had to have a patch applied in their c
modules for the upgrade but that wasn't my dealing; I just saw the
patch in the package for pygtk.

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