Re: [orca-list] orca laptop layout and openoffice calc spreadsheet

On Fri, Oct 01, 2010 at 01:44:27PM -0300, jose vilmar estacio de souza wrote:
I had never used orca+c, I only used orca+r.
I have just discovered that Orca+c does not work in my machine.

Very strange, indeed.  I'm doing both dynamic row and column headers
on a spreadsheet right now and it works great.

When you press Orca+c, you should hear something like "Dynamic row set
to column A." That would assume you were positioned on column A at the
time.  When you press Orca+r, you should hear something like "Dynamic
column set to row 7." That assuming you were on row 7 at the time.
Check the application specific key bindings for soffice to be sure
something wasn't unbound.

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