Re: [orca-list] I need help

Just in case it's useful, here is a link to Eclipse 3.6RC1  (release candidate 1) for Linux GTK:


orca-list-bounces gnome org wrote on 05/18/2010 10:24:11 PM:

> [image removed]

> Re: [orca-list] I need help

> Joanmarie Diggs

> to:

> vilmar

> 05/18/2010 10:25 PM

> Sent by:

> orca-list-bounces gnome org

> Cc:

> orca

> Hey José.
> I'm going to take these in reverse order:
> > do not know if I could explain clearly because my English is not very
> > good.
> Your English is awesome. And every day I am grateful to be part of such
> an amazing, international community filled with folks who have excellent
> skills with English because my ability to write in any other language
> than English does not exist. And we've all seen me not even get English
> right on a number of occasions. <shrugs and smiles>
> Having gotten that out of the way....
> > When I press the F11 key eclipse starts my application,  suspends the
> > execution in the first line of the main method and put the cursor in
> > that line.
> So the caret is in an object we'll call Foo. Foo is an accessible of
> pyatspi.ROLE_TEXT if memory about Eclipse objects' roles serves me. And
> let's give Foo a caret offset while we're at it. How about 500?
> > At that moment orca receives an event of object:text-caret and the
> > function _presentTextAtNewCaretPosition is executed.
> And what gets passed along to your function is the event.source which
> emitted the caret-moved event, in other words Foo.
> > Inside this function I have the following sequence of statements:
> >              obj = otherObj or event.source
> My guess is that otherObj is None. So obj winds up being the
> event.source, i.e. obj is now Foo.
> >              [line, caretOffset, startOffset] = self.getTextLineAtCaret(obj)
> getTextLineAtCaret() basically does a queryText(). From the resulting
> accessible text interface, it asks for the caretOffset. (Foo's text
> interface returns an offset of 500) Then we ask for the line at the
> caret (Foo's text interface returns the line at the caret offset of
> 500).
> >              print "obj = ", line, caretOffset, startOffset
> Looks like the line at the offset of 500 in Foo is
> 'boolean restart = true;'
> >              if self._lastTextCaretMoved:
> Doesn't exist, so this doesn't happen:
> >                  [line, caretOffset, startOffset] = self.
> getTextLineAtCaret(self._lastTextCaretMoved)
> >                  print "self._lastTextCaretMoved = ", line,
> caretOffset, startOffset
> Moving on....
> >              self.sayLine(obj)
> >              self._lastTextCaretMoved = obj
> You speak the line and (here's the important bit)
> self._lastTextCaretMoved becomes obj, which means
> self._lastTextCaretMoved becomes our friend Foo.
> [...]
> > Now I press the F6 key.
> Okay.
> > Eclipse executes the first line of the main method,  suspends the
> > execution and put the cursor in the second line of the main method.
> If you've gone from the first line of the main method (which lives in
> the text object we're calling Foo) to the second line of the main
> method, my guess is that you're still in Foo. You've only moved a line,
> so let's make the caret offset be 550.
> > Again orca receives an event of object:text-caret and the function
> > _presentTextAtNewCaretPosition is executed.
> Right. So let me copy and paste those lines from your script.
> > obj = otherObj or event.source
> I'm guessing otherObj is still None. Therefore obj becomes the
> event.source. The event.source is the thing which emitted the
> caret-moved event. If you're in the second line of the main method, the
> event.source should be Foo. Thus obj becomes Foo.
> > [line, caretOffset, startOffset] = self.getTextLineAtCaret(obj)
> getTextLineAtCaret() queries the text interface of Foo. Asks Foo's text
> interface what the offset is. Foo's text interface claims 550. Great, we
> get the line of text at offset 550 which is apparently
> 'System.out.println("line 1");'
> > print "obj = ", line, caretOffset, startOffset
> So you print out 'System.out.println("line 1");'
> > if self._lastTextCaretMoved:
> This time we have self._lastTextCaretMoved. As you'll recall from above,
> when we processed the event at caretOffset 500 we set
> self._lastTextCaretMoved to obj, and obj was Foo. So
> self._lastTextCaretMoved is Foo.
> > [line, caretOffset, startOffset] = self.getTextLineAtCaret(self.
> _lastTextCaretMoved)
> So you call getTextLineAtCaret() with Foo as the argument.
> getTextLineAtCaret() queries the accessible text interface for Foo. We
> ask it for the caret offset. Foo's accessible text interface says 550.
> We get the line of text at the offset of 550 and as you probably guessed
> already, the text at the offset of 550 is still
> 'System.out.println("line 1");'
> <smile>
> > I think I should see the following:
> >      System.out.println("line 1");
> >          boolean restart = true;
> If that's what you want to see, try saving line in
> self._lastTextCaretMoved instead of obj.
> In other words, Foo is just an accessible object. It's not a snapshot in
> time with a preserved caret offset or string or anything.
> Does this make sense?
> --joanie
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