Re: [orca-list] orca tag line


Just a thought that occurs to me at the moment of reading this:

Orca: Top of the food chain in screen readers

I'll give it some more thought.


On 05/15/2010 05:57 PM, Jon wrote:
Hi dear friends,

Just wanted to throw out a question for us to discuss.

Some other open source applications have a tag line.
I feel that Orca should have one.

please google around and have a look at examples.

I was wondering if we could come up and agree on one.

It should be funny, make people intrested and wanting to know more.

This is not a pointless question, the idea i had in mind is to have some
t-shirts with the orca logo and tag line printed, which would be sent
out to anyone who fixes above a certain number of orca bugs, or is able
to solve bugs upstream so we can close some of the blocking bugs.

I am sure this would encourage some of us to
get our hands dirty with some coding/debugging
and continue with making Orca the best screenreader that we can.

I am sure I wouldnt be alone in donating money for these shirts to be

What do people think, and would you donate?


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