[orca-list] I found a problem with Navigation Bundle extension and Firefox 3.6

Dear List,

I am using with Navigation Bundle extension with Firefox 3.6 version (links list and headings list do extension). The extension version is 1.4. Now, when I request list headings with Ctrl+Alt+h key, the headings list correct displayed, but if I choosed a heading with list and click OK button, the focus does'nt jump the choosed heading. Links list function are correct working (Ctrl+Shift+l key), when I choosed a link with the list and press Enter key, the choosed link is right opened.

How can possible debugging why happening this problem?
This extension development is stopped, or the development is active?
The grab focus on objects when navigating check box is checked, because this is needed with Firefox 3.6 version in Lucid.

I using latest git master Orca version and Ubuntu Lucid.


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