[orca-list] Reporting a Specific Bug, plus a Terminal question whilst at it

Hello guies.

OK, so here we go. I got two really quick questions. Don't worry, unlike before when my questions were kind of shady, I'm gonna be extremely specificly detailed in this message, so don't worry.

I have helped two of my friends, one of which is on this list, one of which isn't yet, however is highly considerring joining, to get set up on a Wubi system using Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid as the base kernel, obviously. We did something really really interesting though.

Once they both were up and running on Wubi, I had them both do a

sudo apt-get update
sudo aptitude safe-upgrade

Once this had completed correctly, I then had them do:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:vinux/vinux/lucid

Once added successfully,

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install vinuxscripts

Once their system was converted to a Vinux installation, we all three noticed something very very weird. Normally, if you install Vinux 3.0 from scratch from the live CD, it automatically installs and pre-configures both yasr, as well as Speakup. Well, neither one of them seemed to get installed with the method we took.

So, I went over to


and looked at the post entitled Speakup Revisited. I got speakup installed, and working very very well. The only problem however is, and this happened on both of my friend's systems, both running an Asus EEE PC 1005Ha series. One's an HAB, and one's just an HA, but I don't think that would matter. Obviously, these're netbooks, but again, I can't see, being I tested this on my Dell Inspiron E1505 laptop and had the same problem, so this is about the 3rd time I've reproduced this issue. Basically, getting back to what I was initially saying, Speakup works great... flawlessly. The problem however is, for whatever really bizarre reason, that is totally perplexing the hell out of me, all sound whilst in gnome is lost. I don't mean muted or turned down, I mean, it totally! goes trash faced. One of my two friends has a Freedomscientific PM 40 braille display. He told me that in Gnome, Orca still was working and was outputting to his display perfectly, but we had no sound. I wanted to see if it was an issue with speech-dispatcher or if it was his sound globally in a whole, so in a terminal, I had Ben do:

spd-say "Hello"

Well, it definitely worked as far as liking the command, but he got no sound. This pretty well told me, ok, this is more serious than just Speech-dispatcher or Orca breaking somehow. He's got no sound period.

I then, logged into his system via ssh so I could take a look, and I did
which pulseaudio

I thought maybe pulseaudio had somehow broken or gotten removed. Like maybe a pkg thought it no longer was needed. I knew this was highly unlikely, but I figured just for laughs, I had nothing to lose but to look.

Pulseaudio had not been removed.


OK, so I'm now gowen: WT? GDF! Needless to say, I was pulling my hair out! I then did

lsmod | grep snd

I wanted to see if somehow his sound module had been unloaded from modprobe

That wasn't the case either.  It definitely was loaded and running.

I then finally did


His volume was almost 3 fourths the way up, and he definitely! was not muted. Being he had braille output, I had him go into system/preferences/sound and look to see on the output page what it had set as his selected audio device. Lo, and behold! Somehow it said dummy sound device, or something to that effect, don't recall the3 exact wording. I had him try to down arrow in the table but that was the only thing there. His Realtech onboard no longer was there. Now, here's the really! weird thing. When he hit alt+ctrl+F1 to get out of gnome, and to an actual bash shell terminal... guess what! He had sound! ESpeak worked, mpg123 worked, etc.

Now is that! not just totally? weird? I'm still! trying to figure this one out!

Needless to say, I did

apt-get purge

not remove, but full on purge

sudo apt-get purge speakup-source espeakup speakup-tools

Once all three were purged, I went back to


and made sure to remove the

speakup_soft start=1

line completely out of the file, so that


was the last line, then I resaved the file.

I had him restart the system entirely, like, I mean, not a logout, I'm saying, a full reboot.

Kuh? boom! Speakup was gone, however, his sound in Gnome returned! It was very soft. We had to go in and turn it back up, but aside that, he was fine, aside no speakup any longer.

So, I wonder, is this a known bug? and if not, where do I file a wubi bug, as I don't recall on launchpad seeing a place to do so.

OK, now for my question.

When I did install speakup the line that red

m-a a-i speakup-source

what exactly was I doing at that piont? MOre specifically what I mean is, what does that m-a a-i mean and do?

Thank you for all and any help. Don't think your responce won't be sufficient. Please, even if you're a major nuby, please! if you have even the slightest of idea, don't feel stupid. Please! Speak up for forever hold your peace. I really would like some input on this. Being on 3 systems I reproduced this, I'm thinking this has got! to be some form of a bug, that is, unless certain dependencies or libraries are not installed with the vinux scripts, although I kind of doubt that to be the case.


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