Re: [orca-list] Input requested: What is *needed* with respect to choosing an Orca modifier


On Sun, Jul 04, 2010 at 05:40:40PM -0700, Steve Holmes wrote:
For expediency's sake, I like the combo box idea; should be fairly
quick and easy to code int current versions of Orca.  However, I feel
strongly that the default for desktop layouts should be kp_insert; not
both of them.  This way, one can easily toggle the insert mode in
text editors and work processors.

If time permits, would it be possible to migrate to the key capture
method at a later point in time? 

this seems like a reasonable approach to me.

One other question, for those using the caps lock key to be the Orca
modifier key, how do you toggle caps lock? I know in Speakup, pressing
a shift key enables one to bypass that key to turn the real caps lock
on and off.  Does Orca work that way too? I haven't tried this yet.  I
have mine set to kp_insert right now.

I mostly use a laptop, and have never really spent time to figure this
out.  First let me say that I dislike capslock, and prefer to bind that
key to control outside of X, So I never intentionally turn capslock on,
but have noticed it gets turned on from time to time.


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