----- Original Message -----
From: Klaus Knopper
To: Josh
Cc: orca list
Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2010 8:50 AM
Subject: Re: using linux as every day operating system hello list (if my slightly off-topic message as unregistered user gets through), On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 12:51:01PM -0500, Josh wrote: > Hi, > If you guys want to use orca on machines with less than 512mb of memory try out knoppix adriane. > the link is > > ftp://ftp.uni-kl.de/pub/linux/knoppix/KNOPPIX-ADRIANE_V6.2CD-2009-11-18-EN.iso > > I wish the developer would update to debian testing/unstable/squeeze so we could always take advantage of the latest hardware. Hardware support in Knoppix is quite independent from Debians development branches, the Kernel is one of the very few packages that we build by ourselves for a wide range of supported hardware. Orca, LXDE, OpenOffice, ocropus etc. in Knoppix are usually retrieved from the Debian/testing and Debian/unstable branch (I stopped compiling orca on my own since the version in Debian/unstable works well). For speech-dispatcher, we use the GIT version because it has the fist really stable ALSA support via libao thanks to Halims work. The knoppix-specific packages are available at debian-knoppix.aliogth.debian.org, and everything else comes directly from Debian/testing. But: Due to a limited time contingent, we don't release as often as in the early days when there were actually two releases or more per week, since testing the huge amount of software in order to make sure there everything is ready for use, is not easy. > Also if the develloper could use the libao driver and make orca sound better that would be great. As soon as vinux gets and uses the latest and greatest debian and latest and greatest gnome I will use that one also until then I will stick with and play with vinux cli max. But even still there's something about knoppix adriane that I really like a lot! I jut like its interface. If you like, I can upload a Debianized speechd-git package to the debian-knoppix repository, it should work with Debian/unstable. > Klaus if you're on here I hope the development of knoppix adriane continues after you stop or are unable to continue. I am not a developer, these are comments from an occasional user I like to play with new operating systems and Linux gives me a chance to do that. I have no plans of stopping or retiring yet, but in any case, the software is already released as open source, so everyone can continue working on it, reuse it in his/her own applications, or just throw it away and write something better instead. It' won't just disappear. :-) If you like, I can give you early access to the current adriane-knoppix Beta 6.2.1 for testing, it also has a new textmode gui for configuring networkmanager which you may want to test. > Josh Kennedy jkenn337 gmail com Regards -Klaus Knopper |