Greetings, I've had some other stuff going on and only now find myself sitting down to formulate a polite letter to oricle concerning the merger. To effectively formulate a persuation I need some bacground clearification. A) What was the nature of Sun's support for gnome-orca? My understanding is that Sun included any necessary professional software development for orca under the responsebilities of Willy Walker and the accessibility department. However, I suspect both Mr. Walker and any other accessibility-department members had more responsabilities then exclusively writing and testing orca code and patches. B) Did Sun only provide support for gnome-orca or for gnome-accessibility in general? I realize these are *NOT* exclusive projects and determining the fine line between them is more an exercise in creative rationalization. But from a high-levl perspective, did Sun say, "We commit to supporting Gnome-Accessibility" or did they divi up sub-projects of gnome-accessibility and Sun said "We can lead Gnome-Orca"? c) Did Oricle take an explicit stance on gnome-orca? I understand the general interpertation of Oricle's actions by the community. But has Oricle explicitly said anywhere to anyone "... As a result of the merger, it is our intent to discontinue all previous involvement in the orca project."? The symantics are subtle, but it's the difference between asking to "maintain support" and "reconsider terminating support." Issues A and B have in the past been behind-the-scenes details that had little obvious effect on me as an end-user. As a result, I never looked into the details of how orca development works. Thank you in advance for helping me become a more educated user (and potentially a more effective advocate for orca):-) Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free. Sign up now. |