Re: [orca-list] Who is in control of Orca commits now?

Hi All:

You can become a friend of GNOME very easily, and you can add a comment
to your donation that you would like the money earmarked for a special
purpose, such as GNOME Accessibility or I'd suppose even a specific bug:

I believe there is very little overhead, if any.


On Tue, 2010-02-23 at 23:49 -0500, Philip Halley wrote:
Hey Joanmarie,

Well having had a parent in the law field I know there are some mighty 
strange things that go on during a buyout, not saying this always 
happens but the only people that know what was in the contracts are the 
ones who are at the top and the attornies.
Now that I've said my little peace, If we had either a good mailing 
address or paypal account that we as end users could send donations might this
 possibly help to keep Gnome and Orca above water and staffed just a 
bit longer untill another corp. can be found to help defray some of the 
cost incurred during day to day operations.
If so I would be glad to do some more searching to try to lay my hands 
on this info.

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