[orca-list] Using Jokosher with Orca

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OK, I've read the entire manual as shipped with the sources, and
unfortunately doc.jokosher.org seems down. I don't know if the issues
I'm having are accessibility ones or user error, caused by me not seeing
some obvious controls or by others not having attached accessible roles.

1. How is audio moved and edited? A previous thread suggests that you
press enter on the track event, then other commands become available. If
this works in latest trunk, then I don't see just what it accomplishes.
Pressing enter seems to change nothing.

2. Is there a list of keyboard shortcuts available anywhere? I seem to
have found p for play (or was it ctrl-p?) but that's about it.

3. I've noticed some odd inline dialogs that I've never seen in any
other GTK apps, and am wondering if this is an Orca or a Jokosher issue.
In particular, the menu item to change project time notation from bars
to time units seems to open a dialog that I can't reach via the
keyboard. Furthermore, when I flat review the screen, I see the dialog
amidst other screen text, almost like flat review is showing me where it
is relative to everything else. I don't immediately know how to reach
such a dialog via the keyboard, especially since pressing enter on the
menu item doesn't make the menu go away.

4. The user manual mentions lots of volume sliders, one per track and
one master slider. Are these inaccessible, or do I not see them because
I need to do something to make them appear?

Thanks, if those questions have answers then they should be enough to
get me started.
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