[orca-list] Splash Screen

I decided to turn off the Orca screen at startup, given the new splash
screen thingy.  I was thinking it would automatically put me into the
desktop when I start x up for the first time.  It apparently did not,
however.  In my case, I launched X by doing a 'startx' from a native
console and when Orca came up, I did not seem to have any focus.  I
had to explicitly open the desktop with Ctrl+Alt+d.  Now, when I just
stopped Orca with Orca+q while in the desktop and then manually
restarted it again, The desktop came right up.  Is this as I
described, proper behavior? Am I supposed to get to the desktop
automatically when starting X for the first time with Orca running but
Orca screen turned off?

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