Re: [orca-list] Temporary removal from mailing list

I am sending this to the list in case others ever have the same situation. The mailman system which is used for the list has an option in your preferences section for disabling recieving list messages, which should be used for this purpose.
To access your preferences page for the list go to  where you will find a link to log in. If you can't remember 
your password then you can get it to email you a reminder.

Hope this helps.

Michael Whapples

On 01/-10/-28163 08:59 PM, David Bowskill wrote:
Dear List Organiser

Please remove me temporarily from the mailing list as I will be overseas
for a period of a few months.

I will be in contact about resuming on my return.

Thank you

David Bowskill (davidbow tpg com au)

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