Re: [orca-list] Problem with Orca modifier keyon Ubuntu Karmic

On Fri, 2009-10-30 at 09:40 -0400, Willie Walker wrote:
Hi Kyle:

I haven't seen this, but I just forwarded your message to the Ubuntu
Accessibility List <ubuntu-accessibility lists ubuntu com> in case
someone there has seen and/or fixed the issue.
The problemis also on fedora, except that they used festival.
If it was specific to ubuntu I would have asked there.
Even then it is good that you forwarded it, mey be we might just get an
insight into the problem.
As a question for you -- which key are you using as the Orca modifier
key?  If it's the Caps_Lock key, I wonder if we might be running into an
issue with the key still behaving like a locking modifier.
Yes I do you the laptop layout.  But I had this problem even on the disktop.

Happy hacking.

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