Re: [orca-list] Orca and braille panning

Sergei V. Fleytin <fleytin yandex ru> wrote:
When I use orca with my braille display and view large web pages with 
firefox, I usually scrolll the page with the right panning button on my 
braille display. Everything works well except that after a while gnome 
screen saver comes on my way. It seems to me that the system isn't 
notified about the user activity when only buttons on the braille 
display are being used. Can anyone tell me how to fix this issue?

You'll probably have to do some coding in gnome-screen-saver or elsewhere to
fix it, but if you just want to work around the problem you can turn off the
screen saver altogether within the gnome preferences or using gconftool from
the shell.

I'm not sure what the name of the setting is, but a few Web searches should
find it for you.

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