Re: [orca-list] orca/braille

Daniel Dalton <d dalton iinet net au> wrote:
Braille is working really well with orca, but I have a few questions:

In general, development of better braille support was delayed for a while due
to API development issues - migrating to newer versions of BRLTTY and
deprecating the old Python support, as I recall.

There are Orca bugs related to inadequacies in its braille support; I suggest
you contribute to those. Searching the Gnome Bugzilla database would be a good

I am sure further discussion on this list would be welcome also.

Meanwhile, from within Gnome, just use alt-ctrl-F1, Alt-Ctrl-F2 etc., to
switch to a real virtual console when you need it.

Note also the xclip command.

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