Re: [orca-list] Shutdown/logout dialog works Orca my 9.04 system

Hi Attila:

I'm not sure why it's not working on Ubuntu. Luke is looking into this problem on Ubuntu. I think he might have some leads.


Hammer Attila wrote:
Dear List!

Sorry, possible this topic is oftopic.
Will, Luke Yelavitch wroted this comment my bugreport with launchpad
(, I copyed your two suggested
"The schema file is present, and carrying out the suggested steps in the
comments you copied all work as expected, however the logout dialogs are
still broken, so I guess the problem is somewhere else in the stack."

Will, I applyed with comment#3 patch, this is unneed because important
thinks is committed?
Why work my system the shutdown dialog after apply this comment #3 patch?

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