Re: [orca-list] LXDE with Orca

Hmm, this isn't working for me. I still get errors about atk-bridge unable to locate registry, and manually starting at-spi-registryd isn't helping. Is there an extra step you took to get at-spi-registryd to start correctly, as it seems starting lxde with the GTK_MODULES variable set does not start it?
This happens both on my Ubuntu 8.10 and 9.04 setups.

On Feb 28, 2009, at 17:32, Nolan Darilek wrote:

Hmm,, interesting. So I did manage to get it working, and here's what I've discovered thus far.

1. The key was my .xsession. Specifically, I had to set GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge and start /usr/bin/startlxde. Not only does that mostly work for me, but since the default lxde session doesn't run pulse, I'm running SD via ALSA *and* getting system sounds.. Wow, it definitely is faster. Maybe I'll hit some other audio SNAFU later, we'll see. Here's my ~/.xsession:

export GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge

2. I'm not sure what your specific issues with Orca were. I successfully opened and closed the preferences dialog and successfully quit/relaunched, no problem.

3. I'm also not sure what your issues with keybindings were. They are slightly different from GNOME, but they're all loosely documented in /usr/share/lxde/openbox/rc.xml on my Ubuntu system. Specifically, ctrl-esc pops up the menu fine for me.

4. It seems like alt-tabbing between windows is a bit buggy. If I alt-tab between Shredder and Firefox, I can't get anything read until I alt-tab to another GTK window like gnome-terminal or gajim. I also don't seem to get feedback telling me to which window I've alt-tabbed.

5. As the previous poster observed, navigating around the desktop itself is non-functional.

6. Similarly, the file manager is inaccessible. The area where I'd expect files to be displayed is simply a "panel."

All in all, it's a very snappy experience, though that may have more to do with losing Pulse. I'll be filing bugs about issues #4-#6 with LXDE.

On 02/28/2009 12:50 PM, mike wrote:
Hi, I may have been the one. I did some beta testing for the creator of Adrian Knoppix, and he added the lxde desktop with the idea of linking to programs like firefox that could use it.
His reason was it was faster loading than gnome, and didn't take up as much space. Anyway I showed interest in the full desktop so he did some work and got the f1 key to bring up the menu. However some things like the Orca preference, shutting down Orca and other things do not work, and we don't know why.
   I also did some checking and lxde is suppose to have keyboard shortcuts, but they don't seem to be enabled. That's about all I know about it, but lxde is a fast loading desktop.
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----- (Original Message) -----
From: "Nolan Darilek" <nolan thewordnerd info>
Date: Saturday, February 28,  at 11:33 AM
To: Willie Walker <William Walker Sun COM>
Subject: Re: [orca-list] LXDE with Orca

On 02/28/2009 11:08 AM, Willie Walker wrote:
Hi Nolan:

If you could log a bug with the LXDE folks ( and
provide a link to it here, that would be great.  They are the ones
that really need to be aware of what they are breaking (or purposely
not supporting).

Ohh, I know. I'm not at all claiming this is an Orca issue.

My point of confusion is that I'm not sure how the AT infrastructure is
supposed to be started. Used to be via the GTK_MODULES environment
variable. Then it apparently changed, but I'm not immediately clear to
what. It very well could be that it works fine and is just an Ubuntu
packaging issue. But someone on this list and in the LXDE forums claimed
to have gotten it working with the exception of not knowing the keyboard
shortcuts, so I'm hoping they'll chime in. :)

 And if it turns out to be an LXDE bug  then I'll gladly file it with
them, or with Ubuntu if it's just a matter of tweaking the startup

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