Re: [orca-list] What makes Orca speak dynamic page updates automatically?

Hi Nolan:

The main decision point is the handleAsLiveRegion method:

There are a number of decisions being made in this method. The best thing for you to do would be to analyze the event stream from your application and see how it may match (or not) the code.


Hi, all. I'm starting to delve into the world of developing accessible AJAX websites, and am having issues. I notice that Orca sometimes does a great job of speaking dynamic page updates. For instance, see this XMPP-based web chat that speaks very nicely:

I've got the source to that, and there's not a bit of ARIA in sight--at least, none that I'm aware of. Yet it speaks very nicely.

I'm working on something vaguely similar, and I have javascript code appending to a logging div. If I trigger events that would log to this div, I can see the text after the fact, but it doesn't get read as the text is appended.

So why is the previously-linked app performing nicely while my own isn't? The only difference I can think of is that my log events are triggered by a button press and aren't arriving over time, but I can't think of how that might matter.


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