Re: [orca-list] Keybindings for ARIA landmark roles

hiOn Fri, 2009-01-30 at 10:13 -0500, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hi Krishnakant.

I believe this is the way the scrip for mozila works?  or is it that the
first time user presses the move to next landmark key that orca finds if
there are any landmarks?

At the moment, it's the latter. i.e. Orca doesn't know if there are any
landmarks until you go looking for them. I have some ideas about
implementing the former (for all structural navigation elements) which
would contribute to an overall more performant experience. I hope to be
able to look at those soon. Right now I've got the 2.26 release
deadlines to contend with.

Yes the number of links and headings should also be announced, better
even, the users choos to hear the count for which ever element/elements
they want to know.
and what is coming for 2.26?
happy hacking.

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