Re: [orca-list] Using Orca through VMWare Fusion, mapping the Caps Lock key

Ok, maybe I'm misunderstanding something here. You say the GUI is not accessible from the keyboard alone. But i've had both debian and ubuntu installed in vmware fusion and I've used orca fine; my only problem, which I guess I need to consult with vmware about, is that my braillelite 40 doesn't work properly; I use it with a usbserial cable and brltty comes up and works but I have all sorts of weird characters and can't use the advance bars to read properly. I'm thinking it's a usbserial problem with vmware fusion because I also am having issues in vmware fusion in a Windows guest with recognition of my Victor Reader Stream. However, the braille actually did cooperate well enough for me to tab around say in iceweasel or firefox in orca and do what I wanted to do. so i'm probably just misunderstanding but I don't understand what is meant by the statement that the gui isn't accessible from the keyboard only. It is true that ubuntu and debian both actually start up for me in the GUI but I can go back and forth between that and text consoles with no problem using option and/or control and athe function keys. What amI misinterpreting?


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