Re: [orca-list] About lost of speech

Hi Willie: There it goes in attachment the resoult of my svn diff. Answering the second part of the question, yes, I can reproduce the same problem when I installed the previous revision. I hope to help!

Victor Oliveira

Em 22-01-2009 14:28, Willie Walker escreveu:
Hi Vítor:

Please do an 'svnversion; svn diff' and send me the results. In
addition, please try pulling svn from trunk into a fresh directory and
build/install from there to see if you can reproduce the problem.

If you can reproduce it from one version and not another, this will help
narrow down the problem.



PS - If you could reply to the "Adding new pronunciations causes a hang"
thread, it would greatly help keep the discussion in one thread.

Vítor Oliveira wrote:
Hi Willie, I cannot reproduce the lost of speech after desabling
braille support and return to preferences to add a new entree in
pronunciation tab. Perhaps because I aplyed the patch you've sent. Is
it possible the update via SVN doesn't aply all files?

Victor Oliveira
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