[orca-list] Orca Questions

I have what seem to me like basic questions, but still things that I can not figure out.
1. Is there a command for checking system time?
2. Is there any way to access the bottom pannel with a keystroke?
3. Can Orca skip to the next form field, combox, etc in firefox? I know it can move by list, paragraph, headings and tables, but ... 4. I am attempting to set up a HP 5600 printer. However, I get an error saying the cupsys server is not running. I have attempted to replace the ile with the one on the live CD, but I got an error stating it could not be done. How do I go about enabling th cupsys? I've also tried uninstalling and reinstalling using apt-get with no success. When it starts, I get a status 1 fail message. 5. Is there something I'm missing with configuration of IPV4 settings using the GUI? It seems overly complicated from when I used to do it in earlier versions of Ubuntu. I am using Ubuntu 8.10 with the modifications made to it to turn it into vinux, vibuntu, or whatever it's called these days.

Thanks for any assistance.
Nimer J

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