Re: [orca-list] Speech Dispatcher in Intrepid

E.J. Zufelt wrote:
I installed Intrepid fresh this morning and installed speech-dispatcher.
When I issue an spd-say command I hear a quick blurp and nothing else. 
Any suggestions?

Hello Everett,

Intrepid is using Pulse Audio, so you need to set Speech Dispatcher to
use Pulse Audio output too by setting the option AudioOutputMethod in
/home/ezufelt/.speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf or using the spd-conf
utility.  You will need to restart Speech Dispatcher after this change.

I'd also recommend trying the instructions sent yesterday to the Orca
list by Nolan: "Latency reduction: get a snappier orca without removing

Another option would be to set GNOME to use ALSA (which is the Speech
Dispatcher's default sound output), but if we manage to reduce the
latency with Pulse Audio, I'd definitely recommend staying with Pulse
Audio, at least for those, who don't have stability problems with it.
Many people still report problems with PA stability, but I'm not sure
how much this is a problem with latest versions (available in Ubuntu

Best regards, Tomas

I installed speech dispatcher the following way.

1. sudo apt-get install speech-dispatcher
2. sudo apt-get install python-speechd
3. cp -R /etc/speech-dispatcher /home/ezufelt/.speech-dispatcher
4. System > Preferences > Session > Add.  Name: speech-dispatcher,
command: "speech-dispatcher -d -l 1 -C /home/ezufelt/.speech-dispatcher"
5. Reboot.


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