Re: [orca-list] Orca in Fedora?

Hi Marco,

You wrote:

I#ve a problem with fedora and orca!

Which fedora release are you running please? Is it 9 or 10. Knowing this
will help you pick up the good source version of orca.

Orca is working good in it, but my Braille-Display (...) is not
In brltty it's running.

I experienced the same problem either with my regular computer running
fedora 9, or another one running fedora 10.

In both cases, I could solve the problem by picking the right version of
orca from the gnome source repository and recompiling it with braille

If you are running fedora 9, you will need orca-2.22.3.tar.* (where *
may be bz2 or gz, it's up to you). If you are using fedora 10, you will
need orca-2.24.3.tar.*, (gz or bz2 is up to you).

As soon as you pick up the right tarball for your fedora release, please
perform the following steps:

(1) You will need to install the Python braille API package by issuing
the following command:

yum install python-brlapi

This package is not installed by default in fedora and if you don't
install it, orca will configure and build just fine but without braille
(2) Then, you can extract orca source code from the tarball you picked
up by issuing the appropriate tar x command.

For instance, if you picked up orca-2.24.3.tar.bz2, you should enter the
following command:

tar xjf orca-2.24.3.tar.bz2

(3) Change to the directory in which orca source code was extracted and
launch the configure script.
Since your current orca doesn't want to braille, you will probably want
to overwrite it with the one you're building right now. In order to do
so, please enter the following command:

./configure --prefix=/usr

(4) Finally, the usual make and make install should do what you want.

Then, if you want orca to start immediately with braille support, even
though it may need to launch the preferences dialog, just enter

orca -e braille

After pressing the usual alt+f2.

I know from debian and ubuntu, if brltty is working it's no problem to
use the braille device in orca.

What's wrong in fedora?

I don't know why I needed to rebuild orca on my two computers but I
suspect that fedora packages were built without braille support,
(configured without the needed python-brlapi package). This is a
suspicion only. May be I'm wrong assuming this.

What have i to do, too use the display in Fedora?

In summary, just rebuild orca from a source tarball after installing the
python-brlapi package and it should work.

The next problem is i would like too use the espeak synth.

I couldn't get it work!

yum install espeak gnome-speech-espeak

After doing so, if you relaunch orca, the "speech" tab of the
preferences dialog should give you choice between festival and espeak.

I did this but now, I got another problem:

Sure, my orca configuration now uses espeak but it doesn't finishes its
sentences. What should I do now for orca not to refrain from speaking
the last few syllables of each sentence it wants to say please?

Regards. Have a nice day. ChD

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