Re: [orca-list] OpenSolaris

Hi Alex:

The instructions for 2009.06 are at Can you please point me to the instructions you are using for 2008.11? I'd like to make sure they at least point to the 2009.06 set.

keyboard after the CD stops spinning, then wait for Gnome to start. I get no audio after this, even if I press alt-f2 and try to start Orca manually. I think the audio hardware should be supported by Solaris as I'm running under Virtualbox, and the physical machine I tried after Virtualbox failed has a rather old Creative PCI soundcard in it that I believe solaris supports. Have the instructions changed since the previous version, or should I do more checking into my audio hardware?

VirtualBox is a struggle when it comes to audio support. Some people have managed to get it working OK (it's on my long list of many things to do). You might be interested in this thread:


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