Re: [orca-list] Interesting english message when I pressing Ctrl+Alt+d key combination

Hi Hammer:

Looking at nautilus in accerciser, I see a toplevel frame exposing itself to us as "x-nautilus-desktop". I'm not sure when the change was made, but I'm guessing it was done as part of GNOME 2.24.
I just opened this bug to add to the 1850+ bugs nautilus already has 
open (OUCH! Poor nautilus team!):


Hammer Attila wrote:
Dear List!

When I using Intrepid beta release and Orca, and pressing Ctrl+Alt+d key combination, I hear this message if I remember correct:
"X dash nautilus dashdesktop"

My Hardy, Debian distributions sayd "munkaasztal" (correct hungarian word, for english is desktop).
Orca version is same (2.24.0).
The translation percentage is 100%.

Can anybodi confirm this problem?
This is a bug?

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