[orca-list] a few observations and maybe a couple of feature requests

                        Scott Berry
E-mail:  sberry northlc com
Call Sign: N7ZIB

I'd like to pass some observations on to everyone and just see how
people would feel about this.

1. Firstly, I notice that when copying, pasting, or cutting there is no
confirmation as to what is going on.  In otherwords, if I hit a "Control
+C, Control+V, or Control+X" there is no speech feedback and I assume
probably no braille feedback either. I think it would be sufficient just
to say "cutting, pasting, copying" and a confirmation of the files
selected could be another keystroke.

2.  Secondly, I notice on this web page:


that the tab key works very little on this page.  I had to resort to up
and down arrowing arround the page.  I would like to know if this could
be looked at please.

3.  Also when selecting things the select is sluggish at least in the
svn snapshot.  I wonder if this could be fine tuned a bit to have a
snappier result?

4.  I notice on some help pages in Gnome and some times web sites that
Orca even with the screen maximized does not read a full line of text it
tends to skip some text.  If you read for instance, parts of the Gnucash
manual you may see this happen.

5.  The last one I have is I notice that some times Orca does a double
repeat on some lines.  Can the code for reading be tightened up more so
that it doesn't do this?

I have to say though that Orca is in a very usable state at this time.
I am very happy with it.  I also have another idea but I'll let people
respond to these comments first then I'll through out my other idea.


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