[orca-list] orca accessibility questions for latest release of Ubuntu desktop

I was wondering what kinds of things have been done to Orca that goes as far as the latest released version of Ubuntu? I know that you folks made the installation program of Ubuntu accessible when 8.04 Hardy harron was released. However, I have a few questions, and neeed to ask you a few questions about the accessible, and I also have a question about Orca's speech volume input.
I listened to an audio review of Darragh isntallling an alfa version (hopefully) he could redo that, as it's no longer in alfa) but there were some newer checkboxes in the orca prefferences window. Could anyone explain about htose checkboxes? There was another checkbox that he had where his speech died, not sure what that was..but anyhow..
Another question, is this.
When I start the ubuntu installer on my laptop computer, (or on my desktop machines) the volume is extremely low, so low, that I normally need to put on a pair of earphones, and even then, the speech of orca is hardly audable. Not sure if that's a hardware detection thing (where the volume appears to be set) to an abnormal level, or what. Can't wait to hear from you guys, and keep up the good work with Orca, especially in firefox, and Pidgen, etc.

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