Re: [orca-list] orca and eclipse

Is it the upgrade you want help with or is it the use of eclipse?

I'm slightly surprised that ubuntu uses such an old version of eclipse.

I thought eclipse could be installed anywhere from the tar balls at the
eclipse site, so you could do that and then create a link in
the /usr/bin/ directory. If you aren't going to use eclipse 3.2 then you
may as well uninstall the ubuntu package.

Hope that helps.

Michael Whapples
On Fri, 2008-11-07 at 07:34 -0200, Jose Vilmar Estacio de Souza wrote:
Hi all,
Does anyone in the list uses eclipse with orca?

I'm running eclipse 3.2 shipped with Ubuntu intrepid but I'd like to 
upgrade to a newer version.

Any help would be appreciate.

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