[orca-list] Orca improvments

RE: Quote:

no proprietary
software will give such huge scope for improvements and the freedom
aspect can't be ignored.  So please give constructive feedback to help
improve or ca rather than talking about what Americans use or how
costly or cheep it is.

> Let's bring this discussion back on track and focus on whether there are
> Orca
> bugs that need fixing.
My thought is that IBM's viva-voice was declared free-open source , and it is similar to a voice that many of us have become accustomed to, to the point that I can hear it 5 times faster than the present Orca's. I once paid only $5 for a copy, but it took a Linux expert to install it, and all was crashed when I had to reinstall Ubuntu.
So if it is really free now, perhaps Eloquence-VivaVoice-TTSsynth (Seem to be three names for the same "Paul" voice.). could be added to the Orca options, or Ubuntu add/remove; or Something easier than present. Or after 5 years listening, I may get the present Orca voice learned enough to speed read! Will Herzog

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