Re: [orca-list] getting the latest firefox

Hi Donald:

There's more information on Firefox and Orca here:

Hope this helps!


On Mar 27, 2008, at 4:45 PM, Donald Raikes wrote:


I installed Oracle enterprise linux last night (for the fourth time :) ). I ran all the available updates using yum from the oracle unbreakable linux network.

The version of firefox installed is 1.5.0. I know that firefox 3.0 has a lot of accessibility enhancements, so I would like to install it.

I have tried using yum to pull from the fedora development repository, but I get a ton of missing dependency errors so yum just gives up.

Are there manual installation instructions for firefox?

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Donald Raikes | Accessibility Specialist
Phone: +1 602 824 6213 | Fax: +1 602 824 6213 | Mobile: +1 520 271 7608
Oracle JDeveloper QA

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