Re: [orca-list] gnome-speech-drivers

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Hi Mattias
On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 05:41:27AM EST, mattias wrote:
i have ubuntu
way only ubuntu have debs for swift , dectalk, espeak , festival
and not for
etc etc

Gnome-speech has drivers for several speech synthesizers, some of which are free/open source, and some of 
which are proprietary. Espeak and festival are two completely free and open source speech synthesizers.  
FreeTTS is open source, but as far as I understand it, still requires a java compiler that is not open 
source, however I need to confirm this on the FreeTTS website. If and when FreeTTS is buildable with a 
completely open java environment, I will endever to get this speech synthesizer into Ubuntu.

As for loquendo, there is no package to help set up that synthesizer simply because I don't have a license 
for that synthesizer, and therefore haven't put any effort into making a package available to more easily set 
up and use that synthesizer. If anybody can help me with this, I would much appreciate it, as offering a 
package for loquendo users would be nice.

There was a package for ibmtts/viavoice, however as of Ubuntu hardy, a needed library for use with ibmtts is 
no longer available, as the library is rather obsolete. The voxin package makes this library available with 
their distribution package, as well as packages for use with Ubuntu and gnome-speech.

I hope this answers your question.

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